Vegetation Carbon Program Leader

Dr Jason Emms has extensive experience working across agriculture and natural resource management. Jason has always believed these areas go hand in hand and has worked to bridge the divide when delivering practical land management solutions.

With an active research background in weed ecology, Australian plant biology, forages and grazing systems, Jason has knowledge and experience over a range of farming systems and natural ecosystems in Australia. He has been particularly passionate about ensuring research met the needs of the end-user and that land managers were involved in all stages of the research 'pipeline'. Jason feels strongly about the importance of communicating results and outcomes and has experience in delivering a range of publications and presentations to land managers and other stakeholders. Jason also has experience in operational biosecurity and research project management.

With Select Carbon, Jason leads the HIR project management team with a motivation to develop and empower the team to deliver high quality projects across the rangelands of WA, NSW and Queensland. Jason is passionate about Select Carbon's vision to ensure carbon projects integrate practically into the pastoral business and deliver multiple benefits.