Information for individuals who apply to work for, or who attend a recruitment event or undertake an assessment with Select Carbon.

This Privacy Notice provides information about personal data which are processed by Select Carbon Proprietary Limited and its affiliates (‘Select Carbon ’ or ‘we’) which are part of the Shell group of companies (‘Shell’) in relation to individuals who apply to work for, or who attend a recruitment event or undertake an assessment with Select Carbon. This includes prospective employees, interns and contractors.

For individuals who are successful in their application for employment, internship or engagement as a contractor, the Privacy Notice – Select Carbon Employee, Contractor and Dependents’ Personal Data will apply.

As well as this Privacy Notice, bespoke privacy notices and supplementary privacy statements may contain further information about how Select Carbon is processing your personal data. In those instances, such privacy notices will be communicated to you separately.

This Privacy Notice explains what personal data we process about you, why we are processing your personal data and for which purposes, how long we hold your personal data for, how to access and update your personal data, as well as the options you have regarding your personal data and where to go for further information.

Select Carbon Proprietary Limited, 275 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 will be responsible for processing your personal data, either solely or jointly with its affiliates within the Shell group of companies.

Special Notice – if you are under 18 years old and wish to apply for a Select Carbon sponsored education or innovation event.

Except in those cases where Select Carbon organises educational events specifically designed for children; we do not intentionally collect personal data of individuals under 18 years old. If you are under 18 years old please do not send us your personal data for example, your name, address and email address. If you wish to contact Select Carbon in a way which requires you to submit your personal data (such as for education or innovation events) please get your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf.

We process personal information relating to individuals who apply to work for, or who attend a recruitment event and/or undertake an assessment (‘Applicants’).

This may include personal contact information, date of birth, gender, whether you have the legal right to work in the country in which you have applied, your application for employment, your qualifications and experience, results of interviews and assessments.

For the purposes of recruitment, special categories of data (‘sensitive personal data’) including personal data regarding health data may be processed only as strictly required and as permitted or required by local law for the purposes of making adjustments to the recruitment process, for assessing eligibility for positions and fitness to work and provision of facilities in the workplace to accommodate health problems or for the establishment, exercise or defense of claims.

In addition, in order to ensure equal employment opportunities as permitted or required by local law, we may also gather additional sensitive personal data regarding Applicants, including their nationality, racial and/or ethnic origin.

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Human Resources, personnel management, business process execution and internal management – including resource planning, and recruitment;
  • Health, safety and security – including protection of an individual’s life or health, occupational health and safety, protection of Select Carbon’s assets and staff, authentication of individual status and access rights;
  • Legal and/or regulatory compliance – including compliance with legal or regulatory requirements; or
  • Management reporting and analysis – including statistical analysis and surveys regarding the quality of the recruitment process.

We may also process your personal data for a secondary purpose where it is closely related, such as:

  • storing, deleting or anonymising your personal data;
  • fraud prevention, audits, investigations, dispute resolution or insurance purposes, litigation and defence of claims; or
  • statistical, historical or scientific research.

We carry out screening of all Applicants who we intend to make an offer of employment, engagement or internship (as the case may be) and prior to any offer being confirmed for the purposes of:

  • verifying the information that an Applicant provides during the screening/interview process. This will include verifying information with current/previous employers and educational institutions. No steps will be taken in this respect until the Applicant confirms the verification can take place;
  • screening Applicants against publicly available or government issued sanctions lists and media sources. This is to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, to protect Select Carbon’s assets and employees/contractors and specifically to ensure that Select Carbon can comply with trade control, anti-money laundering and/or bribery and corruption laws and other regulatory requirements.

In addition, successful applicants may need to undergo a criminal records/notice check where deemed relevant to the role being applied for e.g role in finance.

  • All applicants must answer questions and produce evidence which are necessary to ensure that individuals can lawfully enter into a contract with a Select Carbon company if they are successful in their application.

We only process personal data of Applicants:

  • in order to take steps at the request of the Applicant prior to entering into a contract;
  • where it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Select Carbon is subject to ensure compliance with applicable employment, social security laws and regulations;
  • where it is necessary for the legitimate business interests of Select Carbon (such as ensuring compliance with legal obligations other than those related to employment or social security, the protection of Select Carbon assets, reputation and Select Carbon employees and contractors) except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the Applicant; or
  • if legally required, with the explicit consent of the Applicant.

In those cases where processing is based on consent and subject to the Australian Privacy Act 1998 (as may be amended) and other applicable Australian legislation relating to employment, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. This will not affect the validity of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent.

Your personal data are exclusively processed for the purposes referred to above and will only be shared on a strict need to know basis with:

  • Other companies within the Shell group of companies, including to those which may be located outside of Australia;
  • Authorised third party agents, service providers, external auditors and/or subcontractors of Select Carbon and in particular authorised third parties who carry out reference and background checks on behalf of Select Carbon;
  • A competent public authority, government, regulatory or fiscal agency where it is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which Select Carbon is subject to or as permitted by applicable law; or
  • Any person to whom Select Carbon proposes to transfer any of its rights and/or duties.

If you choose to interact with Select Carbon through social media on a Select Carbon administered social media page (‘Select Carbon Social Media Page’) such as LinkedIn, your personal data (such as your name, your profile picture and the fact that you are interested in Select Carbon) will be visible to all visitors of your personal profile depending on your privacy settings on the relevant social media platform, and will also be visible to Select Carbon. You can delete any data that you shared on these sites at any time through your relevant social media platform’s account. Select Carbon does not track your activity across the different social media sites that you use. Please contact Select Carbon if you wish to make a request that you are unable to action yourself and which relates to a Select Carbon Social Media Page – see the section below.

Additionally and to the extent Select Carbon is jointly responsible with a social media platform of a Select Carbon Social Media Page, Select Carbon will have access through the social media platform to aggregated data providing statistics and insights that help to understand the types of actions you take on Select Carbon Social Media Pages. For more information on how your personal data are processed on those social media platforms, including any targeted advertising that you may receive, please refer to your privacy settings accessible through your relevant social media platform’s account.

Where your personal data has been transferred to companies within the Shell group and/or to authorised third parties located outside of your country we take organisational, contractual and legal measures to ensure that your personal data are exclusively processed for the purposes mentioned above and that adequate levels of protection have been implemented in order to safeguard your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 No. 119 and the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’). Companies within the Shell Group have adopted Binding Corporate Rules which you can access here.

We have implemented technology and policies with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use and will update these measures as new technology becomes available, as appropriate.

We hold personal data of unsuccessful Applicants for at least six (6) months but no longer than three (3) years after the recruitment process or assessment has been completed unless there is a lawful reason to retain it for longer, in which cases it will be deleted once no longer needed for that purpose (for example to defend any claims).

If you are successful in your application, the personal data gathered through the recruitment process will be retained in line with the Privacy Notice – Employee, Contractor and Dependents’ Personal Data.

Personal data requested and provided by Applicants are required in order to fulfil legal requirements and/or which is required for entering into a contract with you (or in the case of a contractor your employer/service provider). Failure to provide us with the information requested which is limited to that required for these purposes will negatively affect your chances of being selected for any potential employment, engagement or internship.

We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. You can request:
  • access to your personal data;
  • correction, or deletion of your personal data (but only where they are no longer required for a legitimate business purpose);
  • that the processing of your personal data is restricted; and/or
  • that you receive personal data that you have provided to Select Carbon, in a structured, digital form to be transmitted to another party, if this is technically feasible.
To make any of these requests, please contact

If you have any issues, queries or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data please contact or the Shell group email

If you are unsatisfied with the handling of your personal data by Shell, then you have the right to lodge a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia, or the Dutch Data Protection Authority whose address is Prins Clauslaan 60, 2595 AJ The Hague, The Netherlands. Please visit or for more information.